StartOnDesktop is Launched


Windows 8 normally launches on a new start screen. This can be very frustrating if you love the normal start up screen. Normally there are no options available to change this setting. When the window changes you switch by clicking on the desktop tile on the window. This is not hard but if you prefer the normal screen booting then you should do something.  Because of this fact a tool has been released to ease this anomaly of the window. StartOnDesktop is the name given to this tool. It uses java encryption making it easy to use.  It creates a quick booting process that leads you to your desk top immediately.

The tool is not bulky at all. It download files total up to 37kb. This makes the space it will occupy on your system less. The file downloaded comes in form of a zipped file. No installation is needed for this program you simply need to unzip the zipped file and run the file. It is usually a single executable file. The execution is much simpler. On the file you will find a button labeled enable. When clicked it triggers an action that creates the setting in your computer registry enabling the computer to boot directory to the desktop. This method always works and grantees you good results. The program does not hog the computers memory thus making it safe to use.

StartOnDesktop is a program that doesn’t interfere with any of your documents in the computers registry or change any other settings in your computer. All it does is redirect the windows start up screen to the desk top screen. When downloading the program, make sure that the program is from a suitable source. This is to avoid downloading harmful programs in your pc. This program has been tested and it works well.

Download StartOnDesktop

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