Mystery Rumored Windows 8 Features: “History Vault”
During preparing Windows 8 for the tablet of wars, there was a rumor that History Vault has been designed and developed from the page of Mac OSX. Winrumors said that the History vault will be used as latest and advanced backup support software, which is similar to Time Machine for Mac OS X. The newly developed software will be able to create regular and automatic backup using shadow copy feature.
The History vault is one of the advanced program for backup support, as the users of Windows vista and 7 can have already go back with system restore. Through this system the users will be able to restore their individual different types of files into earlier timestamps. This system will help the users through graphical interface for easy editing their files with minimum time accuracy and restoring these files in the old documents for a longer period. The Apple’s Time Machine usually using the cover flow for sorting through restores point. The users are not yet clear how much Windows 8’s History Vault interface would like this system. We have to wait for sometimes to see this.
There are huge mysteries of OS itself. The users were aware that Microsoft designing and developing a new version of Windows 8 for tablets, which will be more comfortable and compatible with the ARM processor. But there is a rumor among the users that an interface that borrows the tiled looks likes the Windows phone 7. If so, it will little bit damage the image of Winrumors.
It is not yet clear that this rumor about the History Vault is true or false. Winrumors should come up with the real fact to restore their image. Some of the users said that Windows 8 is very much suitable for the old laptops and desktops.