ORPALIS PDF Reducer – Make Your PDF Slim And Sleek

Years back PDF file formats were popular for its compact nature, data security and preferred file size. With time the format has gone under various modifications and it grew harder to keep the file size small anymore. If you are experiencing the same problem then try the all new, free to download ORPALIS PDF Reducer. It will ‘further’ reduce any PDF file’s size.
The process is simple and straight you need to select the file that you want to reduce the size. At the same time you need to define a destination folder where the new reduced file copy will be stored. The software works in a manner that it will keep your original source file in its size and position but replicate a copy of it in smaller size. The ORPALIS PDF Reducer is designed to not to overwrite the source file. Trying to overwrite a file can hung up the system and engineering capabilities of the ORPALIS PDF Reducer. With the great tool one can tighten a file size up to 80% of the original source file size.
The ORPALIS PDF Reducer does not use any alien technology to do the resizing. It converts the document by a recompressing process. It sets a new quality level modifying the original DPI setting. It removes forms, fields, bookmarks and others to achieve a smaller size. All these parameters are customizable. One can set the exact parameter per his choice. The program will do exactly the same as defined by the user.
The ORPALIS PDF Reducer is capable of resizing a single file as well as batch processing. For batch processing, you need to budget time for the tool. As claimed by the publisher and developer, the ORPALIS PDF Reducer is improved version of the PDF Compressor tool. However, the program still has lots of areas for improvement and they will be improved soon in time.