Security Threats to Supply Chains: 5 Forces which can change the Game
As any Chief Supply Officer would know; that taking care of one’s own business is not enough. There is a chain of suppliers which keep your supply replenished therefore the links need to remain in place – one a virtual or physical plane.
As any Chief Supply Officer would know; that taking care of one’s own business is not enough. There is a chain of suppliers which keep your supply replenished therefore the links need to remain in place – one a virtual or physical plane. This is doubly applicable as this is an era of quick change and high stress.
According to Ryan Brewer, CISO of the Medicaid Services and Centers for Medicare, there is a constant threat in the environment which changes like quicksilver, and the situations are as unpredictable.
Three years ago the piracy on the supply chain was minor or unheard of and no one guessed it would become such a big thing. Sometimes it was natural disasters, the others terrorism, presently it is malware. This article discusses the five threats perceived by the CSOs which may spell disaster for the supply chains.
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