µTorrent Latest Update

The internet age has made the sharing of file easy and people find it a cheaper alternative to watch movies from the comfort of their own homes. µTorrent for Windows Beta provides all movie, series, software and game lover an inexpensive platform to share and download files, which is also safe and convenient.
The µTorrent for Windows Beta interface is a no brainer. It gives you undeniable easy access to its wide database of files. It allows you to search for whatever you seek and the results are almost instant. To start new downloads, just give it a touch on the button. It makes it easy to manage the files that are currently downloading, pause any continuing downloads and or stop the already completed downloads. The application allows you to comment, like or dislike anything that has been posted by other people as well.
The µTorrent for Windows Beta comes with configuration options that enable the user to configure the bandwidth schedule depending on the strength of the internet connection as well as speed limits. This allows you to maximize your internet connection utilization.
Whilst users will have a very easy time installing the application due to the little amount of time it takes to install, users are advised to be in the lookout for the third party software included in the setup. This will help you against malware that may ultimately harm your PC.
µTorrent for Windows Beta has other impressionable features for example, it absolutely DOES NOT slow down you normal running of windows. Windows functionality is not hampered in anyway. Your PC is able to multi task without stress.
µTorrent for Windows Beta remains a force to be reckoned with in this category. Its ease of use and access as well as installation leaves the user wanting to use it repeatedly.