Essential NetTools 4.4 – Tool For Diagnosing Networks
A tool that is used to diagnose network and for monitoring network connections of the computer. The tool is considered to be an Army Knife that is Swiss made and is considered to a powerful tool that is used for daily basis. The program does open as a graphical NetStat, as a table that list the remote IPS and even local, processes, connections, protocol, name of the host and lots more.
The Essential NetTools does provide tools such as Ping and TraceRoute that checks the connection of IP addresses and other host name. A simple Wifi Manager does display adapters that are wireless and gives access easily to profiles that are used for connection and does provide provision for manually connect and disconnect when and where required.
Port scanners like TCP and NetBIOS that are straightforward does check the complete network that is used for connecting devices and in reporting names, IP addresses, workgroups and addresses of the MAC. Other tools that are used include monitoring, checking the network device if it is working or not, conversion of IP addresses to names of the host, location of SNMPO devices and also does checking if IP addresses is included as blacklists and much more.
The features of the tool include checking of addresses of the email and in corresponding the mail server on SMTP. It provides as a editor that is convenient for five different systems that is important such as networks, protocols, hosts, services and imhosts.The NetBIOS tool does allows to perform various checks on the network and on computers that are available for various individuals that offers Net BIOS for the purpose of file sharing. The WifiMan tool available does display various adapters that are wireless and installed on the computer and lists various network that is wireless and allows to manage various profiles for connection purpose. The ProcMon does display running processes with complete information of the location of the program, process ID, manufacturer and the modules that are loaded. The RAWsocket does provide the ability to connect TCP and UDP connections that is used to troubleshoot and to test various services for networking purposes. HostAlive is considered to be a tool for networking that checks on periodical basis if the host is still alive and for network that is running services such as FTP or HTTP server.
The tool does work on various platforms such as Windows 10, Windows 7 (64 bit), Windows 7 (32 bit), Windows Vista (32 bit), Windows 8, Windows XP.