GParted 0.22.0-2 – Easy Method to Write Files into Disk

The interesting aspect of the GParted 0.22.0-2 is that this release has been extensively enhanced so that it can enable one to boot the UEFI PCs. This is done when the given image is simply and directly copied to the main boot media through the usage of the dd command. Besides these features, the given tool GParted 0.22.0-2 uses the isohybrid-uefi for making the dd iso file work along with the UEFI systems.
This tool – GParted 0.22.0-2 is simply based on the Debian Sid repository and it can be updated to the kernel 4.0.2-1 version. Basically, the given release of the GParted 0.22.0-2 has been quite successful. Compared to its competitors, this tool has been successfully tested on VMware, VirtualBox, UEFI, BIOS, and various other kinds of physical services AMD or ATI, NVidia, Intel graphics, etc. The GParted 0.22.0-2 developers have introduced another innovative feature in this product called as GParted Live. This contains a live image which can be used for supporting the writing and reading of the file system to a given disk and device without adding any kind of partition tables, but somehow supporting the GPT partition names.
In addition, based on the repository of the Debian Sid, the GParted used the system. This is nothing but a new and improved default system of the init based on the Debian policy. Also there are other features like write and read support which is easy for the unpartitioned and whole disk devices. Plus you can write and add support for the various GPT partitions and names. The biggest feature of this tool is that it provides great amount of support for the unpartitioned entire disk drive.
So, with the unpartitioned drive support, the tool GParted 0.22.0-2 can easily format and recognize the entire disk drives. It finds out those partitions which do not have any partition table. Also there are other prominent features which consist of supporting the GPT partition names. Unlike other features, this one ensures that one can do the viewing and settings of the name on the GPT partitions. Plus the GParted 0.22.0-2 also helps in fixing the various bugs and providing regular updates with regard to language translation.