Highlight – Sharing Highlights With Other Users

The Highlight is an effective tool for highlighting and sharing the highlighted contents suitable for the Chrome OS. This web highlighter can be quite handy and best addition for bookmarking, highlighting the various block of web related text, making it easier for finding later. This is a free Chrome extension which just takes the given process to the next level and it simply makes it easy for users to share and highlight it among others.
Now the basics of the Highlight tool is similar to other kind of highlighters. All you have to do is click the given icon present in the address bar and then you can drag as well as choose the required text, and then it would be easily highlighted whenever the user visits the given page. Basically, you need to hover the mouse above the text and then a share icon would allow the user to share the given selections to various social media sites like Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and even through normal email.
Alternatively, you do have got the option to pass the highly account URLs to your family, friends, colleagues, and they would be easily be able to see and check out the highlights as and when you create them. With this tool, you have the option for following other highly users or get them to follow you. So this means that you can view their highlights in your own given feed.
Compared to the other Highlighting tool, this is quite interactive and the preliminary testing has shown that there is still more extensive features present in this tool. A regular and proper usage can easily provide a valuable information on how much effective this tool and how it can be of great help in highlighting significant contents.