SuperEasy Codec Checker
“Not playable“, “Codec not found“, “XXX cannot play the desired video because…“, “No filter found”, “XXX could not render“. Quite some movie night has been ended abruptly or at least interrupted by a message like this – which may not be surprising since software players usually inform you that a problem has occurred, but not about why it occurred or how it could be solved.
This is where the SuperEasy Codec Checker steps into the breach. The software analyzes video clips and audio files and lists the found information in a clear tree structure. Classified by audio- and video stream and by used file format the software informs you about for instance resolution, frame rate, file container, audio- and video bit rate as well as about the used codec. With this information you are perfectly equipped to install possibly missing software or to filter incompatible attributes of your current player during recoding – with our SuperEasy Video Converter for example.
SuperEasy Codec Checker in a nutshell:
Version: 1.09
Software: Freeware
Platform: Win XP, Win Vista™
Size: 7.2 MB
Languages: English, German, French