Crystal Anti-Exploit Protection – A Perfect Security Tool

Malware protection is an important part of each and every computer user. Because of this reason, one needs to find the best security tool for their computers. Most antivirus programs normally concentrate on finding malicious files as well as preventing them from destroying your PC. This might work for a short period of time, and then end up failing prematurely. The program normally fails especially when you run into new malware which could be hard to identify.
Crystal Anti-Exploit Protection (CAEP) is a new malware protector which offers protection in a unique way. This programs works in a unique way in that it uses its understanding of malware tricks to prevent attacks on your PC. Therefore, there are ultimately no signatures, no scanning or even virus database in this case. The whole procedure is simple and accurate. Most downloads, especially the drive-by downloads normally result in information being picked and saved from unknown locations. In such a case CAEP ensures that it prevents programs from running in the download folder or the temporary folder.
Incase such folders run into other folders; you will get an alert concerning the same. You will be needed to give permission on whether such folders should run on other folders or not. Failure to give your permission means that folders will not be infected. A connection monitor further identifies incoming and outgoing network connections by applying filters which decide on what should be allowed and what should not be allowed. CAEP is indeed a unique tool which adds a considerably large measure of security to your PC. You don’t need to worry on how this tool works as the user manual is there to guide you all the way. The manual will explain everything and the steps you need to follow while using the crystal Anti-Exploit Protection.