Iolo Technologies Announces The Release Of Iolo System Mechanic

System Mechanic 11.1.1 is a good flagship computer optimization tool that has been immensely improved to make it better. Announcing the news, Iolo technologies that is based in Los Angeles has affirmed that the updates are minor but very beneficial.
System Mechanic 11.1.1 version comes with helpful enhancements and adjustments to the previous version. The improvements are very evident in the AcceleWrite and Activecare functions. These are important functions that can optimize files when the user is reading and writing them to the hard drive. It is indeed an optimization tool that merits much more admiration because of the configurations that are simple and user friendly. If properly utilized, the new optimization tool from Iolo can minimize drive wear and improve the performance of the PC. It is a tool that comes with reliable tweaks and enhanced technology. Because it supports small files, the overall performance is good with general control also improved. The usability of the tool is also better because it is user-friendly.
It is a tool that features rationalized installation and is fully compatible with Windows 8. Its ActiveCare part is also greatly improved with better controls. According to Iolo technologies, the new optimization tool is more transparent and comes with better controls. The boot time behavior has also been greatly enhanced. This is for both the drive accelerator tools as well as the registry compactor. The reporting and the installation are better and have also been updated. Users will need less time to complete their task because the tool does not need one to reboot the computer after the completion of a removal task. System mechanic is a version that can be used for all computers that are using windows XP. It can be plausibly argued that the Los Angeles based technology company will make a big impact with the improvements made in the new optimization tool.