SafeIP Is Released To The Market For Easy Anonymous Browsing
There are several and free system privacy protection software that you can use to preserve and protect your privacy online. The software provides an IP address to you and new discovery of an advanced tool known as SafeIP. The program does not only provide protection to your system information, it is capable of blocking cookies and ads, conceal your browser agent and referrer and prevents you from opening harmful sites. It is a free download and no adware are required in its installation. You need to try the free SafeIP software and see how it works.
The program installation is straightforward where it cannot command you to close browser if any is opened. The process is simple and quick. You do not need to restart your system so it works properly. The current external IP address is displayed by SafeIP software where five countries are listed to obtain similar service. These countries listed are Germany, Poland, France, United States and UK. To get your new identity where your new IP address will appear, is just double-click and it is ready to use. We give a Polish identity when the program works in various operating systems. The browsing is slightly lowered, however; it is excellent and smooth when using this program.
It is obvious that most of the websites can trace you with your IP address. To prevent this, use settings from the program to reveal tools that you can use to set and protect you against people intruding into your data. It is possible to block all transmissions of your browser agent or page referrer. SafeIP also blocks the cookies using the same method. Settings dialog contains checkboxes that helps to block all adverts prompts in the system. You can set to block any malware but it cannot protect the machine from any malware.