SlimImage Is Launched For PC Backup

SlimImage is the newest product of Slimware Utilities. If you have not tried this version, you had better have one. The software tool easily integrates with windows 8 purposely to safeguard and preserve the installed software. The SlimImage tool safeguards and preserves files, documents and system applications. It acts like time machine for all application of operating system i.e. Windows 8 devices. It backs-up the information of personal files and documents. It images the installed software and its applications. These actions of SlimImage help to solve problems of data and personal documents loss during reinstallation of OS in repairing system malfunctions.
The version will be available in a certain period before released to the public use. SlimImage have a capability of overcoming disadvantages of other embedded versions. It creates the software segmentations allowing the users to restore to initial system software. The application is compatible to all devices working in windows 8 but should not be RT device. The running device is maintained in two separate tiles of user interface i.e. files and documents tile and windows and application tile.
The windows and applications tile gives unrestricted Windows 8 OS a refresh and recovery plus other system files without losing data from it. It is the installed system software and its program that are refreshed and imaged. Other files are saved differently and separate from Windows 8. This helps in case the system crashes, the SlimImage is used to restore it. Contrary to files and documents tile, where it offers an increment to backup of photos, videos, music and documents and files in the external device. You can save your work to external drive or other computer. The program uses a versioning procedure to save these changes to keep data separately from Windows system.
When I use AOMEI Backup the size of the backup is about 54GB. But when I use SlimImage , the size of the backup is ONLY 18GB. Why? Could somebody explain to me why there is such a big difference. Thank you.