BowPad – Replacing the Notepad

BowPad is an interactive and easy to use replacement for the Notepad. Basically, if you feel that the there is no proper or required editing features in the Notepad, then you do need to realize there is no amount of shortage in available replacements. So it required for developers to have a tag over the functionality among the various other features, meaning the end results are not easy to decide.
The BowPad is a refreshing change and it is a tool that tries to do all the things. However, for most of the people, this will do a lot and the well designed and constructed interface would ensure the given tool or program is comfy to work at the workplace. You can unzip the entire program into a single and easy to use executable file.
Of course, you may feel the BowPad is not compatible with the various OS like Windows 7 or the next available versions. This is definitely a great start. Now the extensive use of the ribbon interface would mean that the BowPad looks interactive along with the key functionalities and uses which is just a norm al click away.
In addition, the given tools file handling is very much strong and the documents present can be opened and browsed from any panel. Even the tabbed interface would provide multiple document feature which can be used to open the files simultaneously. And even you can restore all the tabs present with you with a single click in the easy manner or you could get the BowPad to do this automatically.
Even the core editor present in this tool has got some neat touches. You can select the given text and the BowPad would then automatically highlight the matching text present in the same documents. Even you can drop as well as drag the selected text to someplace else by right clicking to do the conversion of the case or perform the searching on the Wikipedia or Google.
Even there are other highlights and one among them is the Find and Replace dialog. This given tool helps in running the case sensitive, text, regular or insensitive expression searches all throughout the tabs and files present in a folder. So go ahead and check out how this product creates a great interest for you.