Mzreveal – A Tool For Seeking Out Malwares

Malware uses various tricks in their books to avoid various kinds of detection. At times, it would require you to use some kind of super-ready, ultra-useful and tootkit form of the Windows hooking. However, this is not highly advanced when compared to the DLL file or EXE file which has a less worrying kind of extension.
Basically, this is a simple technique and it is just enough to get past your basic choice of antivirus software. The Mzreveal is an interactive and tiny tool that shows the hidden code. This is done by scanning the given contents of all the available files and even listing the executable which are not having any kind of DLL or EXE extensions.
One of the biggest problem is the program can only scan those parts of the current folder and any kind of subfolder. Basically, there is no way one can point it, so in case if you just want to check out the User folder, then you do have to copy those files at first. Now once the particular tool is out from the given way of function, then you do need to launch the program. Then you would be asked if you like to display the file name or the full path of the filename. The choice depends on the user.
Once that is done, the Mzreveal would scan the given and specific folder tree. And this would involve of looking at the contents present in each of the single file, so it could take some time. Luckily, any of the concealed factors or executable can be saved on the Mzreveal. Log file and even in the same folder such as Mzreveal.exe.
In addition, there would be various innocent files containing various kinds of executable codes, and they won’t be having EXE extensions or DLL like (OCX, PYD, SCR, and the list goes on and on). Now the Mzreveal won’t provide a great amount of starting point and even if you cannot find any kind of malware, you could still learn a great amount of the kind of the files. So check out the given tool and see how well it works.