WeatherMate – Portable Weather Supporting Tool

WeatherMate‘s last and biggest release was in somewhere in 2007. But somehow now it has jumped and come back to life with the recent release of the current version. The version 4.2 had got a lot of handsome and interesting improvements. Unlike the other weather tools and the ones which Windows has incorporated, this tool is somewhat different and looks innovative.
The tool displays a lot of numbers related to the US radar and weather maps. These are organized in various categories like Forecasts, Current Conditions, Travel, Severe Weather, Marine, Health, Aviation, Farming and Golf. If you select the Current Condition only, then you do have to select the heat index, display temperature option, UV, wind chill, snow cover, and the list goes on.
Now if time is a constrain for you and there is no time left to check out the details by yourself, then don’t worry. The WeatherMate’s latest version 4.2 provides a good and automatic alerts about the severe weather near by you through a normal pop-ups and speech recognition software. Basically, the latter relies on the Windows’s in built speech system and it is so easy to disable it even if there are any audio alerts which you don’t want.
The interface changes can consist of various options which assist in widening the WeatherMate’s window. This is quite useful especially when you want to view the details of the maps. Unlike other kinds of weather programs, this is quite easy to use and has no kind of errors or bugs. It is customer friendly, and provides a great amount of fun in using.
Of course, there are other kinds of weather tools, which do provide some interactive features however, nothing is as user-friendly and easy to use like WeatherMate. In addition, the program can now can display weather in various languages like French, English, Spanish, German, Italian, Chinese, etc. Currently, Microsoft has introduced various compatible features like fully portability, easy deduction of weather information, proper download, easy installation, etc.
All these are present in the latest version and if you could just check it out before downloading it. Some may feel that the given features are not up to the mark and would be thinking of having more features. Unluckily, Microsoft had said that they would not be releasing the next version very soon, and still there are years left before the next version is coming to the market.