7-PDF Printer: Really A True PDF For You

A cost-free virtual printer software that can print all kind of PDF file from different applications.
7-PDF Printer is a PDF Printer which is totally cost-free. The software allows the user to print or create PDF files using any windows application. Microsoft Terminal Server is supported by it. It also supports Citrix Metaframe environments.
At most 10 personal or commercial users can use it without cost. It is one of the limitations of this software. It doesn’t have any popup. 7-PDF Printer does not include any advertising either. A commercial user with more than 10 members can find the commercial versions which are convenient with advanced features.
For the installation of 7-PDF Printer, the user needs Windows server 2012, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 10 (Technical Preview). 7-PDF Printer has a number of features. It prints to PDF which generated from any Windows application. It supports Citrix MetaFrame and terminal server. The user can use 7-PDF Printer as PDF network printer also.
7-PDF Printer works if it is installed on 64-bit operating systems. It directs the user to same file repeatedly to view the output. The user can control the prompt destination of the file and the setup can unattended. 7-PDF Printer has a graphical user interface and it can generate password protected PDF documents also. The software has the ability to appending and prepending documents. 7-PDF Printer has 128/40-bit encryption.
It can identify all kind of watermark text and size. 7-PDF Printer can also identify the rotation and transparency and command line interface to all kind of settings. It can create BMP and EPS. It can also create PS, PNG, PCX. JPEG and TIFF files can be created as an alternative to PDF by using 7-PDF Printer.
For better and optimized web viewing, 7-PDF Printer can create linearized PDF files. It has initial zoom setting also. It creates one PDF for all pages and one file for the per page. It configures text and graphics alpha bits to support smooth edges in images.
A company, not more than 10 installations, can use 7-PDF Printer. For personal projects, the software is perfect. If the user number goes beyond 10, then you have to buy the license of 7-PDF Printer. And it will include the usage of the software inside the Citrix or terminal server environment.