Andy – Interactive Synchronization between Your Desktop and Mobile

The Andy is a simple to use application which helps in connecting the desktop and cellphones in a combined format especially in a virtual environment. In short, a great tool which is very much ideal for gaming. Also, the application is quite robust and provides one with unlimited storage capacity, freedom to use and play all the awesome mobile titles on the desktop and is even PC compatible. This is an interactive tool which helps in using the mobile device as a simple joystick while playing games or for any other purpose.
Basically, the Andy tool synchronizes with the Google play account through the cloud. So, what happens is that all the devices are properly synchronized and the user’s gaming progress is never compromised. There is various kind of key features involved in this tool. One of the major features is it provides a seamless synchronization among your desktop and mobile device. It helps one in connecting the Mac/Win apps for push notifications, storage and for launching.
The tool can be used for enabling application download from any kind of desktop browser and that too directly into the Andy operating system. Plus the tool helps users to easily view their favorite entertainment and communication mobile apps on their desktop. In addition, the Andy tool is quite compatible and one can convert his or her mobile device into a joystick. Now this would bring about an added appeal which will help to prevent you from making any kind of sacrifice in terms of multi-touch or other gyroscopic aspects of gaming.
Now, this tool gives about a great amount of seamless connection among your mobile devices and desktop. Interestingly, this kind of connection which you are receiving you could use the services of SnapChat picture messaging and even the WhatsApp message on your desktop. Plus it even provides a suitable amount of access for your PC file system and the presences of microphone and camera integration along with developer support, make this tool quite easy to use. To know more on how the features of the Andy tool are unique, one can check out the homepage where the features of the application are listed out in comparison with other tools belonging to the same kind of virtual environment like the BlueStacks.