8GadgetPack 15 – Improving Productivity and Compatibility in Using Windows 8

8GadgetPack 15 makes the Windows 8 run system as a small utility. It has various kinds of program which can be used as a right one for your system. There are various types of gadgets present in this program which is not only useful but even helps in improving the overall productivity of the user and even for those who are quite compatible and at ease in working on the Windows 8 platform. The tool consist of various gadgets which are very useful while working on a PC or laptop. Unlike the other kind of metro-apps gadgets, this tool can help in accessing the useful system related information.
This program consist of all kinds of CPU meter, clock, calendar, currency, control system, app launcher, clip boarder, drives monitor, 7 Sidebar, drive meter, etc. This is something which people need to try on. Basically, the gadgets are quite useful while one is working on the PC. Also unlike the various Metro-Apps and the gadgets, one can get access to the most useful and best system information. The presences of the Clipboard Manager tool for example would easily help in improving the productivity.
Also the presences of the Sidebar gadget, one can easily ensure that the gadgets are visible even though the windows are maximized. Furthermore, setting up and updating the volume through a single click, monitoring the network traffic, and making sure the analog clock is visible at all times are some of the things one won’t want to give up until they get used to it. Interestingly, the gadget looks quite small when one see it on the screen at high resolution, and the question may be cropping on the user’s mind on whether it can be made bigger.
Basically, the Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 had introduced a small bug. This somewhat prevented the gadget from getting scaled proper as per the settings of the DPI. Developers were able to fix this issue in the version 13 and some of them were able to work around those fixes. So, it means that the version 12 and the remaining higher versions can be easily installed on the Windows 7. Even though the Windows 7 may have a gadget by default however, this program simply provides you an easy means of installing the best and various high-end quality gadgets.