TweetDeck’s New Version

Get a Tweetdeck on your desktop if you cannot access the website all the time. It makes tweeting lot difficult through that website. People are looking for desktop apps to keep their tweets uptodate. Get TweetDeck in all new interface design.
The recent release of the TweetDeck includes multiple OS support and compatibility for Windows, MAC. It also includes OSs for mobile platform. In terms of usability of the app the TweetDec has accomplished major changes. You can customize the colors of the app, select the themes, fonts and all new lighting effect feature. Previously the TweetDeck’s promise got limited with different bug issues, now in the recent release the app has significantly improved on fixing those bugs.
Get to download a copy of the TweetDeck with its recent make over and organize your tweets in your own architecture, tag them with meta data and remove, block, unfollow and report tweets that bothers you. A pop up window opener with the new TweetDeck also include repositioning feature. If not the best, the new makeover version of the TweetDeck has decency redefined in their look and performance. Go grab it if tweeting is your day business.