Use Sysinternals Rammap And Troubleshoot Memory Problems Of Your PC


When you understand the RAM usage of your PC, you will be able to troubleshoot many problems associated with windows. However, it is not easy to do that. Though standard tools such as Task Manager could help they are not able to help you solve complex issues.

However, Microsoft Sysinternals has got a portable tool that could help. RAMMap is a tool that could give you some in-depth details but it is designed for Windows experts. It also offers some elements that could be used by anyone.

When you launch RAMMap it will display RAM details of yours in a tabbed interface. Though there is a lot of jargon here you could start with “Active” column. It gives details on current memory use. When you go down the categories you will find the one that uses most memory.

For instance, if the “Process Private” tops the Active” list this means the biggest memory user is a single process. By clicking the Process tab and choosing the private column header you could find the programs that are resource hungry.

You could do the same with Task Manager also. RAMMap could show you the details of memory allocation on “mapped files” If this is the highest of figures then you could click on “File Summary” and find the biggest consumers of RAM.

When you look at “Drive Locked” category you could again find big users of memory. It could even be due to a driver problem.

When you are at use Count tab, look at Bad column. You should not see anything in this. If you do, your RAM is failing.

Plenty of other details are there with RAMMap but they are not important. If you like to read details, go to “Ask performance Team Blog” of Microsoft and look at general rundown.

If everything looks normal with figures but you feel that the system is slow, you could compare the present “Use Counts” with a previous one. This might help you find anything that has changed.

Download RAMMap


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