Using JHead to adjust, process and optimize your JPEGs

JHead is considered to be a command tool that is available free online which is used to break JPEG power into smaller 163 KB executable file. The program does remove unwanted metadata and thus reduce the file to a smaller size and hence protects against privacy.
You can even choose to be selective by deleting separate sections at the header such as XMP, IPTC and command field. JHead does extract from JPEGs comments to a separate file and then replace them with a text that is customized and even does move header from Exif from image that is available to another one and lots more.
The program does provide ways to adjust your timestamps in JPEG. You can rename it by using a format that is customized or set all your date and time that are in JPEG format to a specific Exif header. Suppose your camera clock is set incorrectly, you can either add or subtract the time / date to get the correct values restored.
On some JPEG headers, you can use a command that is used to store thumbnails. This could be useful especially when JPEG becomes corrupt and you can unable to view the image or when you need thumbnails and when there are no tools available to produce.
The requirement for Jhead is that you need to specify a command and then your files that are to be targeted as this could remove the metadata that is surplus from the set of files. By having Jhead – h at the start of the program code can give lot of detail on the comments that are available. JHead is not as capable as some command line. In order to manipulate JPEG you need a tool such as Exiftool that gives you much better options.
The program does not give much good points even though it is considered to be fast, small and does not have dependencies. Moreover it is easy to use and properly documented too. If you need to process JPEGs batch wise process to be done, then you can give it a try.