Panda Internet Security 2009

It has more features than any other typical suites, yet it ends up as a mediocre suite for malware detection

In the midyear roundup of the eight security suites, we found Panda Internet Security 2009 at the fourth place with an interface that is very easy to use and also a great collection of several new features. Our first roundup of the year 2009, “Paying for Protection,” placed the Panda Internet Security 2009 at the third place. But, as its performance in blocking the malicious software was not up to the mark, in addition with its inability to counter the effects of some really nasty malware, it slipped to the fourth spot in our mid year roundup. Even after having a new scanning feature that is based on Internet it failed to illicit the required response against some very nasty malware.

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Anti-virus using Cloud Computing

Panda Managed Office Protection was announced by Asiatica Intergroup and Panda Security recently to counter the hassles of virus and malware.

Panda Managed Office Protection is suitable for businesses that are facing threat from viruses and malware. This is achieved without installing expensive network hardware or heavy clients. The cloud-based technology is helpful in implementing the protection for an organization spread out over the world, without geographical restrictions. The web-based control panel of this anti-virus helps administrators to monitor the security status of the entire organization. It is possible to access remote computers and generate activity reports while sitting thousands of miles away from the operating location, this is technology.

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