Make Your Business Presentation All Worthy With Slideshow, Videos From PDFrizator

Have you ever thought of making PDF presentation instead of Power Point slides? Probably, not, you have never thought it this way. However, the question remains unanswered as to why use PDF for presentation which is very static? Well, corporate or business presentations are of extreme importance and value. Preparing and preserving them on PDF will tie them up with security. If you prepare your presentation well in advance, you will definitely like to store in safety vault so no one in a shared environment can make any modification to the file. While this being the major reason to consider PDFs for presentation, the traditional functionality feature of PDF creators, managers, editors still keep the idea for using it for presentation way far behind. If so is the thought in your case, then the good news will make you giggle showing all your teeth. The PDFrizator is now available for you.
So, what is this PDFrizator is all about? PDFrizator is a single platform application that can let you run videos, create slides, use images from multiple sources to make your presentation an effective one. Yes, the PDFrizator can convert videos to a professional level and can process images. The PDFrizator runs easily with different image file formats lie GIF, PNG, JPGm CBR, CBZ etc. You can set them in a sequence to develop a movie clip. You can use the program’s effect tool to give them motion appearance. It has a built in clipboard that can grab, scan and process images easily. In fact, if you do not have the pictures ready for use, the program’s Resource function will automatically connect you with online resource databases like Google Image, Picada, Flickr, TwitPic etc. You can easily grab them, modify their color size, color, layout, format to use in your presentation. Then you have the option to add a sound track with the images. You have to explore the program’s built in sound sources or try it online at SoundCloud to download required audio clip. When you have everything ready, you can set the motion. And once all are done with the file creation, you only need to click on the convert to PDF tab under File menu. That’s all.
The PDFrizator comes with lots of promises and aspiring features. However, absence of help file and an all dull user interface makes the program use bit difficult. The good news is, once you follow your intuition, it will be all clear. Creating slideshow or video or even a presentation will now be easier than ever before with the PDFrizator.