Adobe Releases Adobe Digital Editions Version 2.0

Adobe Digital Editions has been released to make the managing of e-books easy on any computer or a Mac. Announcing the release, Adobe has assured users that the new tool will be able to transfer e-book files to mobile e book readers. This is going to be possible using PDF and EPUB standards from Adobe.
Adobe Digital Editions version 2.0 has the much needed accessibility support. In addition to this, it also comes with good mobile technology. This is a technology that is essential for handling e-books between mobile users and computers. The accessibility features of the new version are simply amazing. The features make it easy to handle and read e-books. The compatibility with high contrast screens makes it one of the best versions ever from Adobe. There is also support for software such as windows eye, JAWS and voice over for Mac. Mobile users also stand a lot to benefit from this tool. This is because it comes with modern mobile reader technology that includes Bookseller ID, Japanese text and Vendor ID. This means that uses can be able to sign in using IDs such as Google or Noble and thereby be able to read content that has been initiated by these sellers.
Nonetheless, Adobe also saw it necessary to do away with some features from the version. There are not multi media objects feature and flash support for mobile devices. Needless to say, Adobe digital editions version 2.0 is a strong and stable release that will make the transfer and protection of e-book files to be easy. The tool is good to use for computers and users who are using Macs. This tool is gong to be a favorite for many because it does support quite a number of different software. Even more significantly, it is a tool hat is user friendly and easy to use. Even the novice user will find it easy.