Norton’s Latest Products For You!

As we stressed the fact earlier that new clans of malware are coming every other day. We have so far categorized their clanship broadly over virus, backdoor, worm, Trojan etc but it did not give us a rest. The commercially available antimalware solution often leaves us with undetected threats. This means we still continue living with a threat that our antivirus program fails to identify. Only solution that can keep us safe from such malware is a zero tolerance to all the unsolicited files, apps and programs. In fact, we have had an entire Operating System, Windows Vista, built on the concept. But it lead to serious functional problems. We had to dispose Vista soon. And we decided to stay with threat like the past.
Norton is bringing an end to that situation. The reputed publisher is bringing Norton Power Eraser 3.1. and Norton Bootable Recovery Tool 5.1. Both the programs are offering effective solution to all the unwanted files that are harmful for the PC. They can even control the pop up windows while you are browsing. They can give you protection against browser hijacker and dialers apart from the malware clans.
Get the Norton Power Eraser 3.1 andNorton Bootable Recovery Tool 5.1 for your PC’s complete protection. They will screen your entire drive system and registry entries for malware that were undetected earlier. After the scan is complete the programs will bring you a list of all the suspects. You can eliminate them all or hands select a few. We must mention here that the programs have advanced capabilities in dealing the file search for suspicious process activities. That’s why you may come across some false positive notification. First you need to run the Power Eraser 3.1. If it does not bring your computer back to its optimum capacity then run the Bootable Recovery Tool 5.1.
You can run both the tools from a CD, USB or even from a DVD. The programs will notify you about all the steps in cleaning your PC. Just note these two programs are not comprehensive antimalware solution. These are the back up programs that fixes what a comprehensive commercial antimalware program will skip.