Pale Moon 20.0.1 – Sensitizing The FireFox Users

The MoonChild Production has recently released Pale Moon 20.0.1 in 32bit and 64bit Windows versions. The latest release has pulled together all the best features and functionalities of the FireFox20. It comes with all new download manager, private browsing and control for disabling unresponsive plug ins.
The recent release also include fixation of other problems that have hampered users browsing experience in the earlier versions of Pale Moon. Now the publisher has reworked on the browser to eliminate problems with its Cairo scalling, HTML5 surface zooming, panning etc. The radical change in Pale Moon’s recent upgrade is turning towards being more HTML5 pro.
The Pale Moon 20.0.1 is more in synchronizing the browser based entertainment features. Watching video and listening to music on Pale Moon 20.0.1. It can support a wider array of entertainment files. The updated browser has got a status bar as well.
Besides the layman users, Pale Moon 20.0.1is coming with developer tools that one can use to enhance the performance impact if he has the knack. Check out the Toggle Tools section to find out the different array of developer tools. The new Pale Moon has also got a series of themes. This adds better browsing experience. The new encoding capabilities standardization, restoration legacy functional keys, fixation of UNC pathways etc are all coming in the new version.
Users of FireFox have lately confirmed that due to improper compactness and lack of impact performances the browser gave developers vulnerable experience. Pale Moon 20.0.1 has turned it all into its core strength. It also incorporated different security fixes. Given the changes targeted and improvised, clearly shows that Pale Moon 20.0.1 is excelling the FireFox and it will be no wonder if the FireFox users start migrating from FireFox to Pale Moon 20.0.1.