ChrisPC Free Video Tube Downloader – Facts You Need To Know

Chris PC Free Video Tube Downloader is a very easy to use application that is used for downloading videos from the internet. Its user-friendly interface makes downloads simple and hustle free.
Like many other applications that are tailored for internet downloads, this one works in a similar fashion. One is required to enter the video URL and follow the download configuration options. Once complete, the download begins. The application has a media grabber feature which allows the user to download videos from other websites (not only YouTube), for example V.K,com, Daily motion, Vimeo, Veoh, Metacafe, Liveleak, Break, Trilulilu, Thatvideosite,,,,,, ABC, NBC, FOX, BBC, France TV, VOX, SAT 1 and many more.
Chris PC Free Video Tube Downloader allows users to download many videos at a time. Through its efficient queue system, it allows the user of the application to maximize the application use and get the most out of the application. Users can save time and multitask as well.
Chris PC Free Video Tube Downloader offers many options to choose from in terms of video output quality. The following formats are usable when using the application: 3GP, FLV, WebMD, MP3, MP4, MPEG-4, AC3 and many more.
Another great feature is the in-built conversion tool that can be used to convert the downloaded media to different file types that will be compatible with the users’ media device such as iPods, iPads and the many different mobile phones in the market. It also consists of a media extractor that allows the user to extract the audio from the downloaded media and convert it into a compatible format.
The application is customizable and has a multi-lingual interface, which makes for a comprehensive use for the user. In addition, true to its name, the application is completely FREE. Though you should be warned that the program is supported through advertisements, thus it may offer third party installations. Kindly watch the installation process carefully to avoid malware.