Areca Backup – Flexible and Innovative Backup Tool

A common question that people have with backup program is why is it necessary or so much significant. Of course, it is easy to execute such programs and set it up in seconds. And the interesting aspect is that you have got complete backup of the system, full and easy recovery of the disaster and even integrating the current and common cloud storage providers.
The good news or exceptional news is that Areca Backup doesn’t have the properties given above. However, it you are a knowledgeable and experienced user, who is on the look out of a more easy to use and comfortable means to compile the file, then the Areca Backup is a perfect choice. Users who are on the lookout for a configurable means of getting and storing the file based backups, and even running it up, then the Areca Backup is worth something to try.
Initially, at the beginning it may take some time for you to get used to how the program works. A great amount of countless hours would be spend in finding out the meaning of various terms like what workspace means, ( which is nothing but a simple storage folder to keep the backup settings), what are targets ( a backup or current job), repository ( which is nothing but a backup destination) and the list goes on.
Seriously, it is not quite difficult and if by any chance you do get stuck into a fix spot, then you can use the services of web-based tutorials to get the explanation and uses of the major key details. Here, the strength of the program lies in the easy configurability. And the best part is that one won’t be stuck up with the option of ignoring the ‘*.tmp files’. In addition, you can do a lot of other activities like excluding and including filters that are primarily based on various name combinations, size and date of the file and even the extension the file has.
Also, a closer look into the program, you can see that the given compression can be zipped or zip64 by using the optional comments and the given compression level and encoding that you choose would be useful in such situations. Furthermore, there is an optional encryption of the AES which would include various aspects like passphrase, file names, raw keys, etc.
In short the Areca Backup is an interactive system backup tool and if you are an experienced user, you would be looking out for more features.