Monodraw – An Interactive and Less Sophisticated Beta Tool

Monodraw is quite similar to the ASCII coding but it is versatile and has got various inbuilt features. In the first glance, you may feel Monodraw is kind of a unique and public beta tool which is similar to the other kind of OS X diagramming tool. Not only that you can select the various themes palettes, drop and drag the various shapes all around the page and be able to link then up, tweak the colors, and add captions. Of course, the program is very much versatile, helping you to create flowcharts, design layouts, and create the entity and relationship run diagrams.
However, there are is one basic difference and which is quite significant. Monodraw is able to do all the given aspects and that too in a simple plain text. This makes it easy and compensates the sophisticated ASCII coding and editorial tools. All this is possible in the computing history. Now if you are thinking about text approach, then you could have to keep in mind that there could be certain disadvantages associated with it. It is quite easy to use the tool and there are shadows which are attached to the objects like the bucket tool.
This helps in filling the given aspect and the characters and effects created as per the preference of the characters which are in a solid color. However, Monodraw at times could lack in certain functionality. But you could just customize the tweak of the borders, create shapes, create linestyle or shadows, and even group them for an easier management. In addition, you can set the individual objects to be above as well as below of the other aspects. There is even an option for you to get the alignment guide to help in aiding of the position.
Not only that the line can be connected and that too at custom point or attachment point, which could simply and automatically help in repositioning the given figure when you move the shapes all around the sheet. Interestingly, the diagrams that you are creating could be in plain text and it would be easily be available for you and can be embedded in any place and anywhere making it easy for you view on any kind of device.
Sometimes you may feel that the Monodraw is a little outdated and slow, but it is truly a great tool, and the most powerful one too. And as one of the ASCII editor you could feel the advantages gaining more prominence against the disadvantages.