UC Browser Comes Out As Web Browser For Your PC

The desktop version of UC Browser is out after getting huge popularity as a version of Mobile phone, android, iOS and Symbian powered devices. The application is developed by a company other than the UC Web Browser for Mobile app developer. Although the developer companies are different but it appearance of the application is similar to the mobile version and the functionality is remarkable.
UC Browser plays an unconventional approach. The software depends on JAVA for successful runtime and it is the compulsory requirement for the software. The software can be run on less than average computer and it has a set of advantages features which are very difficult to exceed.
UC Browser ensures superior speed in browsing and up to 90% data compression that significantly reduce the cost of the internet plan of the user. The multi-tabbed environment is easily handle-able and it has an extreme level of privacy protection.
The interface of the browser can be easily resized. As a result, you can see more elements and customized it via themes. Without key board, you can operate it as it has a built-in key dialer. The built-in key dialer you can use to write the web addresses for searching the web.
The browser has a single menu from where several commands are made like managing history, bookmarks as well as other preferences. Here you will find a smart download manager also. The download manager is inside the single menu. The download manager will help you to pause and resume the download very easily.
The UC Browser is a straightforward browser but it is reliable and it can replace the regular browser of a user any moment. The way it compress data is amazing. Once you can just try it.