VM Player – Creating Your Own Virtual Machine in a Single Go

The VM Player is one of the free tools of the VMware. This is a tool which helps users to enter the world of interactive virtual computing. This is similar to the VirtualBox of Oracle but quite different from the Windows XP mode and Virtual PC of Microsoft. Unlike other tools, this runs on all kinds of OS (Operating System) like Windows 3.1, DOS, Linux, XP, Unix and the list goes on and on. The tool is compatible in all the given Windows OS and is one of the finest tools for creating and designing the existing machines and tools.
In addition, there are various kinds of VMs (which is nothing but appliances of the VMware vernacular) that are easily available and present in the website of the company and other online websites. Also, the recent version of VM Player which is version 3 helps in creating our own type of virtual device. Previously, this was what the name had indicated which is nothing but a player for current machines. So, you had the option of either downloading the VM, creating free versions of the server or simply jump hoops with which one can create free utilities.
Here the VMware can support a huge variety of USB hardware. Also, it allows one to easily drop and drag files, especially from the host PC. Basically, the host PC here is the one which is running the VMware Player. From the host PC, the tool moves to the VM which is an interesting feature that makes this one of the best tool for quite some time. However, some of the inventors feel that the ongoing test which was conducted under the Windows 7 OS, the performance was not up to the mark and as expected.
There were certain lags with regard to the windows, VMs, menus, etc. This leads to the constant and continuous grinding of the current hard drive. Basically, this is present on the same kind of physical personal computer which has got Core 2 Duos and the best memory which is about 3GB/4GB memory which helps the VM in running the tool perfectly under the XP. Frankly, as expected the program may be lacking from having some full-fetched features when compared to another kind of virtual machines, however, the best part is it meets the requirements of most of the users.