Adding Colors and Page Rotation Controls through Doro PDF

Currently, the lightweight virtual PDF printer Doro is updated with new kind of color conversion and page rotation settings. If the default ‘UseDeviceIndependentColor’ color conversion strategy will not work and you can simply convert the RGB, CMYK, and the grayscale. Even you can use the colors of the source document. The tool Doro has gained the main option for detecting the page rotation through the page, for the entire file or not all. Here the source has not been reformatted. With regard to the previous editions, the advanced settings can be hard to spot as there are no interfaces and these cannot be accessible through the INI file.
Now if you can simply live with such thing, then Doro can provide a lot of reasonable features too. In addition, there are a lot of metadata encryption, application of security restrictions, setting up of default page layout, the page which has to be displayed on the opening of the PDF file and many other options. In addition, Doro has got no amount of awkward dependencies and not even the .NET framework. So, this means that it can run on anything right from the Windows 95.
So, if you have got a legacy system, which needs the PDF support, then this can be a great choice.