Serious Flaw Present in LastPass, Making Your Password Be Risky

Nowadays, it is quite difficult to remember the password. And between the crazy website mandated needs and directives, you can never use the same kind of password on most of the sites. This makes the human brain outmatched. Now this is the main reason why you and many other people swear that password manager is important. So, they securely store the login credentials but even help in generating the ultra secured password too.
Now there are quite a lot of firms that is offering such kind of solutions, and many people stick to using LastPass. The reason is because of the Linux operating system. So, it means that the LastPass is one and the only solution that can work and be good in all the significant operating systems such as the Linux distribution.
By default, there are various users for Ubuntu, Chrome OS, Fedora, and more. You can select the LastPast as there are not many options. But unluckily it is relieved that this so called password manager is at the risk of getting nasty phishing vulnerability. Most of the security experts have said that the phishing attack against LastPass gives the attackers the ability to steal the Lastpass user’s email, password, and putting the two-factor auth code, thereby giving a full amount of access to the password as well as document.
Most of the experts call this as the LostPass. And the best part is that the code is available through Github. Now the major reason why the LastPass words and displays the message the browser is only if the attacker is fake. So, the user cannot easily be available to tell the difference from the fake LostPass message and the real thing as there is no amount of difference to be seen.
It is all about pixel-for-pixel kind of similar notification and the login screen. Some users have been saying that they often display messages on most of the browser of the user and after that the session gets expired. This is true, but this is not a hack present in the LastPass. And the server cannot be compromised. However, it will be showing a flaw in the design which can be exploited. Surely, this is a scary stuff.
Ultimately, LostPass is one of the major proof and the concept of showing how it can be easy for one to trick the user in handing all the master password and email address. Here you need to keep in mind, the once the bad guy gets access to the email address of the user and even the master password, you can easily download the whole vault.
And this consist of the login credentials, private notes and even consist of both the bank account as well as the credit card information. Somewhat this can really cause the major havoc on the user’s life.