Extabits is a Time-saving Explorer extension

It is worth noting that it is free when used for non- commercial uses. A very crucial notable limitation on this program is that in a single operation, the extabits program works on up to 100 files or folders. During the installation of the Extabits, it does not make any obvious changes but if you select and right click multiple files or folders, a new extabit menu appears with several options.
These options include: If you select files or folder names and click ‘copy filenames’ all the selected files or folder names will be copied one per line to the clipboard. Clicking on the ‘copy filenames with options’ it will give one more control on what file or folder name is to be copied by availing you more specifications to choose from such as the path, file type, size or date of modification, drop file extensions, change separators, use a different sort or order or create some entirely new text processing scheme of your own.
‘Paste filename’ renames a file or folder with text from the clipboard. If you want to any text your targets have in common, add prefixes, suffixes and more then click on the ‘multi Rename’ icon. This icon is a simple batch file renamer. ‘Extra Folder option’ moves all files from the source folder to the parent then deletes the source folder. ‘Delete Empty Folder’ icon finds the empty folders and deletes them.
The functions of Extabits Explorer extension are not all major and one may have some of the functions even without the program. However, in this Extabits explorer extension, functions are well implemented and easy to use. This Extabit explorer extension can save you a little time. If you need these kind of tools you can upgrade the extabit by paying the fees or you can live with the work limitation on 100 files or folders in a single operation.