WinMetro – Transforming Windows 7 Desktop To Mimic The Substance, Style And Interface Of Windows 8

Users who are still operating on older version of Windows are given the ability to upgrade to a newer version with the help of WinMetro. Through its ability to display such vital information as the weather, stocks, or even news that are usually frequented by users and turning the desktop into a work station, users can gain useful information they need and conduct productive and fulfilling tasks through its efficient and easy ability to connect users to the start screen of metro directly.
The interface offered by WinMetro is one of its distinct feature that enable users to use it on the Operating system of Windows 8, Windows Vista or even Windows XP where the settings are adjusted to suit the user’s needs. For instance, users may choose to open or even close a program while allowing their information to run in the background as they are undertaking other tasks.
The simplistic nature of WinMetro makes it very easy for users to enjoy the features that come along with a newer and updated Windows option, even when they are currently operating on an old Windows program. It also has the ability to support apps for games, video playing or messaging where users can enjoy these features in an unlimited manner.
Users who are social media savvy are also able to enjoy the ability of WinMetro to connect to such social networking sites as Facebook and Twitter and thus enabling users to switch between various activities all at the same time, while providing the user the affordable and timely access to better features without necessarily having to upgrade their operating system. It is also free to download and use as well as giving the user the effectiveness of accessing such important features as the clock, calendar, photos, maps as well as social media.