Registry Finder – Adding Search Keys through Modified Date

Recently, Open source Registry editor which is Registry Finder has got the new feature. This is the ability to search for the Registry keys that are modified as per and within the date range. Even there are various computer forensic applications like viewing the keys modified. This occurs when the program is getting installed and especially when the clues related to what any other user is doing on the PC.
Even the feature is the next and best addition when compared to the regular and present Find dialog. Also you need to right click the target just like the HKEY LOCAL MACHINE and then click on the Find option. Now there are To and From date picker for choosing the given date range. Here the Windows and individual applications are getting updating the given Registry all the given time. Of course, the search will even contain a lot of not quite interesting data (here it has been scanned as HKEY CURRENT USER for any kind of changes in the past 24 hours and getting 3,500 results).
Fortunately, the best part is that you are going to sort out the results through the key and even assisting the skim over the irrelevant clusters of the Explorer and even the system-related junk. Here it has the zoom in function which is anything that is more than the interesting and unusual ones. Even you have the option for sorting the keys through the time modified and date. This is something and the most interesting aspect.
Also if you are not knowing on what you are checking out for, and then scrolling down the given list which is bound to show one what Registry can change and cluster together. Also the highlights can easily change and this can happen on its own and give a better and easy understanding of what occurs in the background of the PC.