Norton 360 Version 4.0 Final
Norton 360 Version 4.0 will replace Norton 360 Version 3.0 as the Featured Product.

Some small changes made on user interface. Fundamental improvements in scan core and in used technologies.
The main interface is the evidence of similarity to product range 2010. It contains basic modules to prevent against malicious codes, identity protection with firewall, backup mechanism, antispam, and debugger. Each module can display the view on next functions, which can be launched by one click. The control panel is mainly focused on beginners, so since installation is done there is no need to change any setting.
Identity protection can be set up in your internet browser (Internet Explorer…). Due to identity protection module user will be protected against exploits, infiltrations or against sensitive data leakage. So you don’t need to worry about security while you pay online with your credit card.
Norton will alert you on fake web pages, which pretend to be legitimate payment portals.
Useful basic feature is quick scan. It checks the most critical parts of your system and will delete unnecessary temporary files which use to occupy your free space. You can find more options as full scan and optional scan. Optional scan allows you to set the scan for viruses and spyware presence and PC tuning, (deleting history in internet browser, deleting temporary internet files, registry cleaning and more…) and data backup. There also can be found own defragmentation tool.
All debugging and backup tools can be launched separately. Everyone can set his own schedule for performance of the tasks.
Malicious code recognizing technology was improved as well. It can recognize codes which are not in database yet. The name of this technology is Quorum and works with SONAR 2 technology which also watches and analyzes various possible threats based on its behavior.
Download Norton 360 v 4 here!