Solution for Spacious Folder Management

Space in your hard drive could get less than you could expect. You could initially plan to uninstall the available applications. But another option could to use Ccleaner so that any junk could be removed. You could understand the space of your drive if gone used excessively by using a tool that analyzes properly. The tool is known as Folder Size.
It is a pity that the installation does requires installation. There is no complexity involved and it could be portable too. There are also no dependencies available too. As per the claim by developer, you could easily run on any version of Windows, starting from Windows 98 version onwards.
The interface at the Folder Size is totally cluttered. But it is possible to figure out the exact remedy within seconds. You need to select the program and click on the folder that is to be targeted. Then click on Start and see the system getting scanned.
Once the system is scanned, you could get folders in list format in the sequence of size. A pie chart is displayed and it shows summary in basic format of the data that you are working. The list may not show fully available data. But minimum of 63% is shown in the folder for users.
In order to know more, you can double click on folder that you have interest. This could display the contents in the Folder. You could get displayed the user who has the most files. Selecting the user could display the download folder which has a problem. By double clicking on the folder, you could get the ISO images displayed which is the main cause of the problem.
Features include save / load projects, printing the results, using switches for command line, filtering the files, exporting reports, scanning the network results and much more. The most annoying part is if the features are not displayed or left out. Sometimes when you select the file especially for print purpose, you could be told the unavailability and even asked to upgrade. But once you come to know that you cannot do it, the problem does not happen always and size of the folder features are more than useful too.