Using Quick User Manager to control PC user accounts

Suppose your PC has several users or you wish to check the security, then you might ocassionally want to tweak or examine the accounts of the users that are available. Checking from Windows is not as easy as expected. It can take some time as options and information are spread across various applets, sometimes even saved deep inside the registry whenever you need.
Quick User Manager is designed to make user management system simplified and by making all settings and details available from a single interface. The program is available as an executable portable which is under the size of 400 KB. There is no button for Donate or nag screen, or any payload of any kind unless you have clicked on option on knowing about the app. It is very functional and ready to run and use and you can use it wherever you are.
Once Quick User Manager is launched, it displays list of accounts of user on the left side pane. On clicking any one of these, the key settings and options do appear on the right hand side. Change in account name for the user or change in privilege for Guests, administrator is possible. Standard user can be adjusted. You can even provide or remove password, new rules for security purposes can be set too. Even account can be automatically logged in too. From the program you can even delete or create user account directly too.
Quick User Manager does provide access to settings that are difficult to find in Windows. For example, if you wish to set a picture, you can define it whether you want it to be cropped, have it centered or stretched so that it could fit the account box. You can even keep your account private by removing it from Welcome screen by giving it a click.
Quick User Manager could be useful as you need to wait for Windows to fix the account tools which could be tiring. There is no revolutionary aspect involved in it. You can try to use the program to get the desired results by having a look at it.