Comodo Chromodo Browser – An Awesome and Fast Internet Browser

The Comodo Chromodo Browser is one of the fastest and the best Internet Browser. This versatile browser is based on the Chromium technology which is simply infused with the Comodo’s and the unparallel kind of security. The system requirement for this tool is simple and consist of Windows 7, Windows 8 (which is Desktop Mode), Widows XP, Windows Vista, etc. The total size of this tool is about 512 MB RAM and it contains about 140 MB of Hard Disk Space. So, when compared to other browser tool, this one is quite fast and apt for those users who like speed and agility.
For office and gaming users, this is the perfect one and most suitable one too. Now once you have downloaded the setup file to the given hard drive, then all you have to do is simply double click the ChromiumsecureSetup.exe file so that the installation wizard can be started and the download occurs. The download setup is quite easy and when compared to another web browser tool is easy and apter. In a sense, one can download the contents easily. The first step involved is the activation of the end user license agreement. Now the end user license agreement related to the setup wizard has to get displayed in this step. So, when that is done completely, the installation process will take place.
This initialization or so called installation phase is first read and once it is accepted (i.e. with regard to accepting the End User License Agreement {EULA}), then the installation starts. Now after clicking the I Agree button for ensuring the installation is continuously done, you would need to click on the Cancel option in case if you plan to abort the installation. So, now the next screen which appears is the one which you need to select from where the folder present in your hard drive is present in order to install the Comodo Chromodo Browser.
However, if you just want to install the given app in the location that is beside the default one, all you have to do is click the Browse option and simply choose the one which is different.