FeedDemon 4.1 Announces New Changes

The release of FeedDemon 4.1 was welcomed with open arms by the entire world. However, Google has now opted to drop and do away with the reader sharing features.
It is appealing for the latest application to have some of the captivating features dropped. This is why most users have been caught unaware after Google announced that it is planning to either remove or change its reader service. Apart from the changes in the sharing features, the new FeedDemon has other significant changes that are worth noting. The program has been known to have recommendation engine that can lead you to the right articles, stories and feed that you will deem necessary. The good news is that this has now been improved to make it more enticing and offers bigger relevance. When the users choose the built in browser for viewing pages, there is an available shortcut that can be used to regress to a full zoom level. For those using the pro version of the program, there is a newspaper style photo strip available for use.
Initially, most of the users had complained that the programs were taking long to start. The new changes bring good news because things are slight quick. Moreover, there are also different problem fixes that have been accomplished and are worth mentioning. For instance, the tool bar now gets hidden especially when you choose to hide the buttons on a toll bar. The numbers of problems that have been addressed are many. Incorrect display of system tray icon and the problem of using send to delicious options have now been fixed. It is worth noting that the FeedDemon 4.1 is now better because the transition effects have been removed with the aim of overcoming compatibility problems. In order to find out more about the new changes included in the new versions, you can get a free download in the FeedDemon review page.