Keep The Drivers Of Your System Up To Date With Iobit Driver Booster

iObit Driver Booster

To enhance its performance, to make your system run more smoothly and to improve its stability you need to have drivers of your PC up-to-date. Sometimes, you may not have time to do the updating but you never need to worry as there are utilities that could do that for you. The new beta Driver Booster by IObit is the latest example

It is obvious that the primary focus of this program is the ease of use. There isn’t a complex interface or jargon. Also, it is not necessary to search around looking for things you need. The only thing you do is to launch Driver booster. It will scan your computer and will produce a report in seconds.

Details of any updates that are missing will be presented to you and you could see the device name and the status of the driver. More details could be had when you click on the link for ”More info”.

With its simple interface this program is able to do everything for you. When you are provided with the list of updates necessary, you only need to click on a particular update to get it updated. Even you have the option to use “Update All” option. The software will update everything.

Since there are no extras this is all about this program. No other lists are provided.

Default settings of Driver Booster however, are a bit annoying. Tough program is launched every time Windows starts it checks for updates only once a week. But fortunately you could change it.

Since it is still in beta stage the default settings could change. There are also features to be added. At present Driver Booster by IObit is a simple program. In order to know its performance you need long term testing. But as it is Driver Booster is a program to watch for the future.

Download Driver Booster


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