Search For Download, Convert And Listen To Music With Z33K

The biggest problem software developers face is to make the programs they develop stand out from the rest.
One thing you could do is to use a single key function for example and improve on it. If it pauses problems you could take the MP3 tool of z33k which is able to everything and add still more features you want.
Z33k is an executable and a portable program that displays its compact interface when launched and you get a number of tabs for its functions.
Heart of this program is the “MP3 Search” tab. When you enter an artist there and click “Search” z33k will look at emp3world, mp3 skull and other databases. Quickly a list of hits will appear and you could play them or download them with a couple of clicks.
If you are not sure what you could search for, click charts tab and you could view charts of iTunes, “World Top 100 or the best selling songs in many countries. You could click on any of these in order to listen to it.
The “Radios” tab offers you the facility to listen to a lot of internet radio stations.
There is a lyrics module that will help you download lyrics of songs. These could be saved in a “Lyrics.txt” file.
A basic ID3 trigger is also there but it is too basic.
To end up there is a good YouTube downloader. You could search for videos, download them and even convert them to MP3 files.
There are also problems with individual modules. You cannot resize the z33k window. Also, you cannot use the enter key to launch your lyric search. Always you need to enter the keyword and press search button.
Z33k works well once you get used to its peculiar behavior. It is easy to use, compact and adware free. Its developer should enhance the existing features rather than to add more features. Even as it is it is a program worth having a look.