Marble 1.11.3 – World Atlas At Your Fingertips
The Marble 1.11.3 is one of the best and world class atlas and virtual globe. It is quite similar to having a swiss army knife and can be considered as one among the maps. You can easily use this map tool for finding your way and explore the world around you.
Just imagine how much fun it would be to explore the neighborhood around you and the rich and lavish kind of streets and cities which the Marble 1.11.3’s level map is able to present. You can even search for the places of interest and address too. The Marble 1.11.3 ensures to take great amount of care in queuing many kinds of searches and it even helps in presenting the results in one of the unified means.
The tool is so simple and easy to use. One can just calculate the bike, pedestrian, motorcar routes at ease. This is done in both offline as well as online and one can do this on an arbitrary number of times through the points. All you have to do is start to explore the world. With this tool you may have your doubts at the initial point of times, but as soon as you see the clouds, sun shadow, space station, satellite, and the kind of orbit displayed by them, you know that the real time has been updated.
Just imagine how much interesting it would be to travel back in time. Learning about the various historic views related to our planet and using all kinds of the map which is available from the past century. We know very well that the earth is huge and this tool, Marble 1.11.3 offers the map related to other planets, the moon, etc. With this tool, you have various features like globe view, street maps, atlas view, map presentation, satellite maps, topographic maps, and educational maps.
Besides these, there are maps related to other planets, information layer, further maps, weather, real-time clouds, real-time satellites, night/day view, photos, Wikipedia articles, postal codes, real-time traffic, earthquakes, etc. These maps do provide a great amount of data in terms of time simulation, routing and navigation, offline mode, online bike routing, online routing related to the motorcar and online routing of transit.