Motivate Clock – Tracking The Usage Of The PC

Motivate Clock

Just imagine a situation. The project is very urgent and the deadline of it is becoming imminent. However, the personal computer or laptop will be having a lot of distractions. This would lead to getting pulled in doing other things without you making any notice of it.

The Motivate Clock is a simple and free time tracker for the Windows, which can help the user to make easy and faster understanding of how much time is spend on the PC. Here, the installation is quite straightforward and there are no registration and adware needed. All you have to do is launch the program and the necessary things would be presented in so called compact console.

Now the best and easiest ways to begin is the ‘Manual Mode’. This easily records the usage of time along with the presences of couple of clocks like Rest and Work. Then you would have to click the tab ‘Work’ and slowly the clock would start to click the ‘Rest’ especially when you are taking a lot of time out. Now you would need to hit the Pause button, especially when you are about to leave the system. And this time, the Motivate Clock tool would be keeping track of what is going on. 

In addition, clicking the option ‘Open Statistics’ during any time of the display related to the work or for the rest balance. It would be done in terms of both the percentage and time. So, this is all about the basic of the analysis which one would get and this would be quite useful. It would not be a surprise on seeing the amount of time that is spend on such surprise which would not be working.

Here, the Motivate Clock can support the various project-based tracking. This is a smarter mode and it is where the program automatically detects as and when one would switch the single application to another. And interestingly, the setup is quite easy and all you have to do is hit the “New Project’ and this would simply give detail about the applications that you would be using.

Download Motivate Clock

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