SoundVolumeView – Automatically Setting The Volume of PC

In Windows, it is quite easy to change the baseline volume level. All you have to do is just click on the speaker icon, move the mouse wheel and then you can reduce the volume. But what about when you want to adjust the volume of some other device. It becomes more complicated. At times, you may end up clicking the Mixer link or simply go for the speaker icon.
The SoundVolumeView tool of NirSoft is a small and portable tool which can easily show the current levels of volume of all the active audio components present in your system. You have the option to unmute, mute and be able to adjust the sound instantly. Now the interface for this is quite basic and in case expectations were there for pulsing meters and the common studio-like sliders present in the stylish or sleek console, then you would be disappointed.
This tool is somewhat close to the Windows 3.1 when compared to the Windows 10. Compared to the other products, this has got certain advantages. You can easily launch the program and in a second, the entire table will be listed about the current audio devices as well as the current volume level. Do you know that the SoundVolumeView is very much and commonly used from shortcuts or scripts? Yes it is where you can easily be able to take care of your volume settings.
Another important advantage of the tool is the presences of the SaveProfile test.vol and the SoundVolumeView.exe. For this you need to set the volume of your speakers, headphone and other electronic devices. Then you need to double-click them and choose the Save shortcut so that the settings are saved in the file test.vol.
Now you have to repeat this process and the shortcut called Restore Volume is created which can easily run the program created by the tool. It is important to pin the given shortcut in a place where it is convenient and as and when you are running it, the program would immediately try to restore the device and its volume settings.