Kickresume – Easy Creation And Sharing Your CV Within Minutes

Sometimes you have to wake up on the first of January filled with plans for changing your life. It can even extend to other factors like getting a new job, a new career. But you would really find out that somehow this and your enthusiasm has got faded and you end up going to back as usual. The key is quite small to start, and this involves few simple steps which can take you into the right direction and sometimes will not leave you feeling overwhelmed. You can easily create and share your CV with the help of the Chrome extension called Kickresume. Here the process starts by selecting the preferred design and that is much suitable for tiny kind of templates.
Basically, this free version has got a single or double minimalist design and they are quite functional and ready for usage. Now the next it consist of a series of forms which can prompt one to enter the data for the key sections of your CV like work experience, personal information, education, skills, etc. Now the free version ends here and you need to subscribe to the Pro account which can get more amount of section types. You can click on the Preview option which at any point can show the resume that looking for. And if you are having the Pro account, you can easily customize the fonts as well as color. So, if you are happy with the CV you can download the CV as PDF or get it published it online using your own kick URL.
Sometimes one of the skills which can be the number of x years which in Microsoft Office might not impress you. And the best part is that you will get control by getting suitable Word template and customize the CV as per and suits in your need.