Killemall 5 – A Portable Tool To Close Unwanted Application

Foolish IT’s first super product that hit the market big was its KillEmAll. Recently the publisher have updated it and introduced KillEmAll 5. The KillEmAll 5 is a portable tool that is used to close all unwanted application by a click of a button. This program is very useful in case of emergencies and could be used to close all open browser and popup that is malicious. It can also be a handy whenever you need to close any desktop when you are in a hurry.
The shutdown that was done forcibly needs to be carefully assessed and if any of the applications have works that are unsaved, then it is lost too. KillEmAll 5.0 does give an extension of the package by giving more information on the software that is running and the extra control on the software that is to be closed. The Tab lists that states Allowed Programs Found does list important and programs for the system which cannot be closed by itself when it is listed under Running Programs.
On double clicking, the program, the name, as well as its properties and attributes including SHA256 and MD5, is displayed. A whitelist can be created by yourself by using flexible rules to understand the programs that cannot be closed. KillEmAll 5.0 could be worked properly by making proper choices on default and it does give various opportunities for tuning. You need to be sure you have saved all works before you do try out. KillEmAll 5.0 is an application that is available free and can be used for Windows XP and other versions.