Zoner Photo Studio 12 – the basic tool of the photographer

Taking a photo of the landscape, scene or interesting action or person is just one part of getting a fancy photography. The same important thing is adjusting this photo in appropriate software. The very handy solution is just Zoner Photo Studio which is now available in v12.

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Nuance PDF Reader

The leading supplier of Speech recognition, Imaging, PDF and OCR solutions, is announcing the release of the Nuance PDF Reader, which enables users to do much more than just view PDF files. It takes up less disk space, is more secure than Adobe® Reader®, and works with virtually any PDF file. Best of all, it’s absolutely free, proving that you really can get a whole lot of something for nothing.

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Conficker and more. What we should be afraid of?

Permanent member Conficker strongly holds the first places in virus charts; another group of INF/Autorun fades on popularity.

Just like every month ESET Corporation published actual statistics of virus happening, so now we can take a closer look into a present virus romping. It became classics, that Conficker which carries on would keep all gold medals in imaginary malware Olympics for a couple of months now. In January Conficker won a first place with a 10% rate so each 10th infection keeps the name of Conficker.

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Norton Ghost 15

The latest version of hard drive backup program is now compatible with Windows 7. Comparing to previous version we find out that interface is kept the way as it was before and gained something more. The base of program is an automatic backup of hard drives or cloning it and creating the restore points in case of functionality failure.

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New version of Ashampoo HDD Control

As long as the drive is functioning properly, you are lulled into a false sense of security. However, when the trusted hard drive suddenly fails, this is more than just a minor inconvenience. The resulting loss of data is often immensely damaging. Ashampoo HDD Control is therefore ideally suited to boost the performance of your drive, guard against disk failure and remove clutter from your hard drives, while performing all three functions of monitoring, maintenance and defragmentation.

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Copernic Desktop Search now compatible with W7!

Copernic Desktop Search is now fully compatible with Windows 7! CDS Professional is designed for small & medium size business owners and professionals who want to free up their time so they can focus on their clients. CDS Professional lets you quickly find everything that helps you do business – files, emails, contracts, presentations and more.

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